Sunday, May 17, 2009

Budding Personality

  It is so much fun watching Madison's personality develop.  I learned right from the beginning that she was going to be an outdoor girl.  Every time she would cry last summer and I couldn't calm her down I would just step outside and she would instantly stop crying.  She still loves to be outside.  She would be outside every waking moment if it was up to her, and we do spend a lot of time outdoors.  I usually get her shoes handed to me before 8 every morning with a look on her face like, "Please Mama, can we go outside now?"  When I say no, because it is still cold, raining or she is still in her pajamas or for what ever reason she gets mad at me and throws her shoes down at me.  I know she shouldn't do it, but it's pretty funny.  She gets mad for a little while and then she'll pick up her shoes and put them in and out of the drawer where I keep the kitchen towels or she'll put them on top of the handle to the stove.  
  When we do go outside she takes out one toy out of the garage at a time.  She'll usually get her pony out first, take it out and push it around for awhile, then get her 4-wheeler out and play with that for a bit, then it is off to get her wagon out.  She plays with all of these toys for awhile, pushing them around and occasionally riding on them with my help, smiling the whole time.  When she needs a change she'll go into the garage and try to get her stroller out of the garage.

  She LOVES to be outside and I can't wait until it gets even nicer out and we can get her swimming pool out.  She really enjoyed going to the swimming pool last summer and I'm excited to see how she does with the wading pool now that she can walk.  I just hope she will wear her life jacket this summer so she can go boating and get out in the river and play on the beach.

  It is also so amazing how fast she is picking up on things.  As I mentioned before she has already picked up on the fact that her shoes means she gets to go outside so she goes and gets them about 10 times a day.  She gets excited and starts jumping in my arms as soon as I open the door to the garage.  It almost makes me feel bad when I'm only opening the door to put her in her car seat to leave!  She has also figured out where her milk is and especially where the cheese is kept.  She frequently walks over to the fridge and puts her hand on it and just grunts at me until I get it for her.  
  She still loves to eat too!  I don't know where she puts all the food she eats.  The other night she ate 2 brats and a bowl of peas and carrots!  Where does she put all that!?  She is becoming pickier though.  She is not eating a very good breakfast or lunch but eats a good supper and lots of snacks in between.  I guess I just have to try to keep coming up with new things to feed her and nutritious snacks she'll eat.

  We have decided she definitely takes after me as far as her attitude goes at night when she gets really tired.  She doesn't nap well during the day so by the end of the day she gets really tired and that just fuels her energy!  Both after and before her bath she runs around upstairs carrying around various objects which usually end up being thrown over the gate.  She thinks it is hilarious to streak across the house once that diaper comes off, she does the same thing as soon as she gets out of the bath.  She gets really giggly and laughs hysterically at everything right before bed.  It is so funny to watch her.
  I love seeing her in action running around all over the place now.  It is so much fun seeing her personality start to develop.  Now if she could just avoid all the temper tantrums that I know are going to come with my very stubborn daughter.  I'm sure we all wish we could avoid that step though.  

1 comment:

  1. She's changing more and more every day!! love the pics you've put up...

    Not sure if you have read any books on sleep habits for little ones or not, but I had problems when mason was little and his naps and bedtime and such.. so i bought a book that came recommended to me called 'Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child' by Marc Weissbluth and it made a WORLD of difference!! (the ames library has it) I think the biggest thing i learned was that the earlier i put them to bed, the better they sleep during the night and during the day the next day. Just thought I'd pass that on for you to look into if you want!!!
