First of all I have to wish all the Mothers out there a Happy Mother's Day. We all deserve a day to celebrate all we do for our children. It is the best job out there and I wouldn't give it up for anything.
I do have to take a moment to reflect where I was at this point last year and I am in amazement at how far I have come. On Mother's Day last year Madison was just 2 months old and we choice to dedicate her at church and to raising her in a Christian home. It was a great day, but I was still feeling so incredibly overwhelmed at that point. I was blessed with a beautiful daughter who I wouldn't trade for anything, but she was definitely not the easiest baby to handle! She still is difficult, but I have learned to handle her a little better and mostly gained a lot of patience! Madison was never (and still isn't) a baby who would take naps or who you could put down for a few minutes. She always had to be held and would only sleep for brief moments in her swing or bouncy seat. She now will sleep in her crib, but still only takes two 30 minute naps a day, I consider it a huge luxury if she sleeps more than this at any given time I think when a person has there first child, or at least I did, that they think all the baby is going to do is sleep and eat all day long and it is going to be perfect and wonderful and easy. I think someone needed to wake me up from my dream world! I so wasn't prepared for bringing her home the first night and having her scream bloody murder because she suddenly became aware of her surroundings and she didn't like them. Or for her to constantly be hungry and not get enough milk from me and not like formula, or for her to constantly spit-up for the entire first 13 months of her life.
Now Madison has finally grow out of spitting up, well for the most part. I'll take 1 to 2 times a week over multiple times a day! She still doesn't sleep and she is the most energetic 14 month old you will ever meet, but I love her energy. She keeps me on my toes! I just love to sit back and watch her go. She will literally run around from room to room carrying a book or toy or paper or anything else and "talk" for a hour at a time. She absolutely loves being outdoors more than anything else. She now understands what the word "outside" means and she gets really excited when we say it. She will now even go get her shoes when you ask her to, or even sometimes when you don't, so she can go outside. As soon as we go out she runs over in the garage to decide if she is going to get out her pony or her 4-wheeler or her wagon. She loves to go for rides in her wagon, often even putting her feet up on the seat across from her so she can sit back and relax on the ride. I can't complain, at least I'm getting my exercise! On nice days we spend a good 2-3 hours outdoors.
I love the fact that my wonderful husband is making it possible for me to stay home with our daughter. I don't think that I could be away from my daughter for that long. I love being able to see all her firsts. Despite all the obstacles I have overcome this first year of being a mom, I have never regretted our decision to become parents. I love the fact that I can say I am a mom and especially love that Madison walks around the house saying "mama, mama, mama" over and over again. Happy Mother's Day everyone!
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